Pupils  »  In-School Learning  »  Year 6

September / October 2024: Important information for Year 6
Class teacher(s):

Miss Blackstone
Mr Dunderdale (morning groups)

Class teaching assistant:
Mrs Pelc

Special Dates this half term:

  • Wednesday 9th October - Parents' Evening
  • Wednesday 16th October - Parents' Evening

Physical Education
Monday and Friday are PE days, children will need to bring their PE kits in to school on these days.
PE kit should consist of a navy or white t-shirt with navy/black shorts or navy/black tracksuit bottoms / leggings. Children will need pumps or trainers because we will be outside as much as possible.

Reading Books
Children can change their reading books on a Tuesday. If your child chooses a longer book, they may keep their reading book for two weeks, if needed. Please try to listen to your child reading for at least 10 minutes each day.

Year 6 can also choose to complete activities from the 'topic homework menu' below.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Best wishes,
Miss Blackstone

Year 6 Autumn 1 text map
This half-term, our text map is the opening of a rags to riches tale, based on our class reader "Too Much Trouble".

Year 6 Autumn 1 text map

Follow along with me as I read the text map.

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