News & Events
Robin Wood - Day 2
The children were up early to start the day full of new and exciting activities: they have enjoyed team-building on the Knight's Quest and the Challenge Course; they have conquered fears on the Giant Swing and Climbing and they have had lots of fun during Canoeing and Archery.
Robin Wood 2024 - Day 1
Year 6 have arrived safely at Robin Wood today. Their first task was a picturesque (but rather steep) walk up to Dobroyd Castle. They have also enjoyed caving, the zip wire and working together to escape the dungeon!
Sean Gaffney Visit
On Thursday, we were delighted to be joined by Commonwealth and Invictus Games athlete, Sean Gaffney. All the children enjoyed taking part in a challenging fitness circuit and then listened to an inspirational assembly delivered by Sean. A huge well done to all the children who have also been helping to raise money for sports equipment in school by gaining sponsorship for this event!
World Mental Health Day 2024
To raise awareness for World Mental Health Day and to learn more about our feelings and emotions, this year we watched Inside Out 2 and wore our jumpers inside out!
Open Evening - 06.11.2024
Do you have a child starting Reception in September 2025?
If so, come and join us at our Open Evening on Wednesday 6th November (3:30 - 4:30pm)
Meet the school staff, including the Reception team, have a look around our school and find out about what we have to offer.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Thank you to everyone involved in supporting our Macmillan Coffee Morning. We raised £155 for the charity!
International Evening 2024
The whole community came together as we hosted International Evening. Not only did our parents & carers generously donate food linked to a variety of cultures, we were supported by Woodhouse Community Centre who shared what is available to our families in the local community. Our pupils were able to showcase some of their work on their class stalls and we had a performance from Year One class as well as a Bollywood dancing performance from one of our Year Six students! Members of our community arrived in in cultural dress and shared stories of their childhood experiences.
We were all very excited to welcome our VIP visiting school this week! Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill visited school to promote healthy eating. She worked with Year 3 to create a healthy stir fry that children got to take home. She even brought her gold medal with her that she won in the London 2012 Olympics.
End of Year Attendance Winners!
Year 5 were our highest attending class for this academic year! They were rewarded with a Bowling trip & pizza! All our classes have contributed to achieving our whole school attendance target of 96%
Fundraising fun!
Well done to Peggy who has generously donated her lovely, long hair to a children's cancer charity as well as raising over a thousand pounds towards reading books for school! The donation page is still open. If you would like to donate, please scan the QR code or visit Well done Peggy!
Theatre Visit
Quarry Mount were lucky enough to have the fantastic M&M; Theatrical Productions visit us to perform 'The Secret Garden'.
Backchat Brass
We had a very exciting concert from Backchat Brass last week. They performed lots of well known songs that we could join in with and we played some hilarious games!
An exciting visit!
Last week, Year 5 had the joy of working with James Nash, a local poet, who worked with the children to create some amazing poems based on 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe'. On Thursday, these poems were performed to parents, Key Stage 2 and a very special guest, The Lord Mayor of Leeds, Al Garthwaite. It was very exciting and the children made us all so proud!
Bedtime Stories
We enjoyed our annual cosy Bedtime Stories event with hot chocolate!
Anti-Bullying Week 2023
We have developed our understanding of bullying with two assemblies and classroom learning. Children in Year 6 particularly enjoyed creating 'bantometers', whilst Year 1 enjoyed the help of superheroes to learn about bullying.
Bonjour! Bienvenue au café Français de Quarry Mount
All children and staff enjoyed the pop-up French Cafe!
Mummies in Year 3!
Year 3 were taken over by mummies during their learning about Egypt in their History lesson!
A fun way to end Autumn 1 half-term!
For our last day of Autumn 1 half-term, everyone was invited to dress up. Some children dressed as superheroes, linked to our HERO learning muscles, and some dressed up in Halloween costumes. All children and staff had lots of fun!
Black History learning in Year 2
Year 2 recently enjoyed a trip to the local park to test their working Rosa Park's buses, that they created as part of their learning during Black History month.
Amazing Gig Performance
In October, Leon from Year 4 played a gig in town with his band! We are so proud of him for all he has achieved with his music. He is currently learning guitar in school so watch this space for the world's next big music star!
Jenny Wallwork visit
Team GB Athlete Jenny Wallwork came to visit on Thursday 12th October. All children participated in a multi-activity session and really enjoyed having the opportunity to ask Jenny questions. The children particularly enjoyed seeing Jenny in action with her badminton racket! Not only did they learn so much about badminton, they applied the same ethos to other sports that they enjoy and shared their aspirations for their own future after hearing of both Jenny's successes and failures that eventually contributed to her overall successes. The children were surprised to hear that China & Denmark were her biggest challenges in relation to competitiveness and took away the positive from this, that competition should be healthy. The Yorkshire Evening Post are sharing the story, which the children are also excited about!
World Mental Health Day 2023
We raised awareness of World Mental Health Day by wearing our school jumpers inside out. Not only did we link this to our work on the film Inside Out, it helped us to understand there are different ways to communicate that we may not be okay, without using words. We watched the film Inside Out and explored feelings and emotions and then linking them to our actions that reflect them, as well as support available to manage them.
National Fitness Day
This year we are working hard at Quarry Mount to become more active. As it was National Fitness Day, we all took part in some fitness activities and our Sports Leaders recorded our scores. We are going to do the same activities later in the year to see if our fitness levels have improved!
Robinwood 2024
School Council Election
Last week, we held our School Council Election. All children were informed of the election process and it was compared to the UK's Government election process. All children were very respectful and took the voting process seriously. Our School Councillor's are: Year 1: Arsama & Malachi Year 2: Lamar & Kadell Year 3: Dahlia & Iman Year 4: Jude & Ray Year 5: Mona & Adam Year 6: Khalsoom & Million
Lantern Learning Trust Football Tournament
On Friday 14th July, Blenheim Primary School hosted the annual Lantern Learning Trust football tournament for Year 5 and 6 children. Five schools (Blenheim, Rosebank, Brudenell, Little London and Quarry Mount) each entered two teams. The competition started with group stages and progressed into knockout games until the final. An undefeated Quarry Mount faced Blenheim in the final. After a thrilling end-to-end game finished 0-0 with some fantastic saves made by both goalkeepers, the result was decided by penalties. Two brilliant saves from Oakley led to victory for Quarry Mount! All of the children had a brilliant time, showed great sportsmanship and enjoyed singing all the way back to school in the rain. Well done to all of the children who took part and a big well done to our winners: Oakley, Harrison, Alexia, Zayn, Luqman, Harrison, Ashaz and Wadan.
Sports Day 2023
The wet weather did not stop us participating in Sports Day and the sun eventually came out! All children enjoyed the different sporting activities and they were all great team players. Our Year 6 Sports Leaders did a great job of supporting other year groups with the activities.
International Evening 2023
The whole community came together on Thursday 22nd June 2023 as we hosted International Evening. Not only did our parents & carers generously donate food linked to a variety of cultures, we were supported by Gateway Church, Woodhouse Community Centre & Leeds City Academy. Our pupils were able to showcase some of their work on their class stalls and we had a performance from our choir as well as a Bollywood dancing performance from some of our Year 5 students! Members of our community arrived in in cultural dress and shared stories of their childhood experiences.
Wonderful Performances!
Well done to our choir and recorder club who both performed in assembly this week. You all wowed the other classes and Mrs Pettman and Mr Dunderdale said the performances were fabulous! If you would like to see the choir and recorder club perform, make sure you come to our International Evening next half term!
Magical Musical Performances!
Chestra, an instrumental duo, visited Quarry Mount in April and gave some wonderful performances for EYFS, KS1 and KS2. We heard them play lots of different musical genres and we even learned about the different sections of an orchestra! We explored the music through movement and we joined in playing percussion. Some of the children even got the chance to play the harp!
Attendance Prizes
At the end of Spring 2, Nael's name was picked out of a draw for 100% attendance and he won an Amazon Alexa! Yoshio's name was picked out of a draw for most improved attendance and he won a Smiths Toy Superstore voucher! At the end of Summer 1, Abigail's name was picked out of a draw for 100% attendance and she won a family crazy golf ticket! Asia's name was picked out of a draw for most improved attendance and she won a Smiths Toy Superstore voucher!
World Book Day 2023
We had so much fun celebrating World Book Day this year! All year groups put so much effort into their costumes and we spent all day talking about our favourite books and stories. We mixed some classes and did peer reading together which was so fun as the children got to spend time with their friends in other year groups. Lots of the children took part in a potato decorating competition. You'll find out soon who won!
The Hobbit Theatre Production
In Spring 2 2023, we had M and M Theatrical Productions visit. They performed the classic tale, The Hobbit by J R R Tolkien for the whole school! Year 6 then had an exciting workshop where they got to look behind the scenes of the production.