Spring 1 we are reading Charlie and the Chocolate factory by Roald Dahl. We will be reading, writing and designing lots using Willy Wonka and his inventions as inspiration. We will also be making our own chocolate and designing a wrapper to go with it.
Some important dates to remember are:
Friday 14th February: School training day, school closed for children
Our PE days this year will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, we ask that your children come with a full PE kit, ideally no football kits and especially suitable footwear! We also now have a no jewerly policy and children will be asked to remove it if it is worn.
Children will be tested on their spellings every friday, please support your children at home by practicing these as much as possible. The spellings will always be here on the website but if your child needs a new copy please don't hesitate to ask.
Children will be sent home with a reading book every week and we ask that these are returned to school every wednesday to be changed. Again we ask that the children engage with their reading at home as much as they can.
The children will also be expected to engage with their TTRS practice at home we will check these as a class on Tuesdays and the children will have the oppurtunity to win prizes for their efforts and improvements.
The topic menu will also be sent home half termly for children to engage with at home! Any work brought to me will have the chance to be crowed homework champion.
Mrs Lee and myself are super excited for the year ahead so lets do this team!
Year 3 team: Class teacher: Miss Marson Teaching Assistant: Mrs Lee