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Pupils  »  In-School Learning  »  Year 1

Welcome to Year 1
Important information:

Reading Books
Please ensure that your child brings their reading book to school on Tuesdays when we will change it with them. Y
our child must have their reading diary signed to say they have read to an adult. Please try to listen to your child reading for at least 5-10 minutes each day. It is a good idea to read the reading book several times with your child through the week so they become confident in reading and familiar with the story.
Sharing a book at bedtime or reading a story to your child will help them develop a love for reading!

Spelling Tests take place on Fridays and new spellings will be given for the following week on Fridays. Your child’s score will be sent home. The words they are asked to learn are taken from the phonics they have been learning that week and the common exception word list for Year 1.

Homework will be given out on Wednesdays. This will be Maths and Phonics linked to the learning we have covered that week. You can also complete a more creative homework from our Homework Menus below.

Physical Education

PE days are Wednesdays and Fridays and children will need to bring their PE kits to school on those days so that they can get changed into them. PE kit should consist of a navy or white t-shirt and navy shorts or navy/black tracksuit bottoms or leggings. Children will need pumps or trainers because we will be outside as much as possible. Please ensure the children do not wear jewellery for school on PE days as it has to be removed. 

and finally....

If you have any questions about Year 1 and the things we do, please come and talk to either:
Teachers: Mrs Moleele (Mon - Thurs)/Mrs Clarkson (Wednesday morning and Friday)
Teaching assistants: Mrs Tweed and Miss Finlay.

Spring Term Learning: King and Queens.

During the Spring Term, we learnt about some of the monarchs of England in History and built castles in DT. We enjoyed being kings and queens for a day enjoyed a banquet together. Our text for the term was The Queen's Knickers - when hunting the nature garden we found her majesty's special golden knickers, which she had lost! We also visited our local church in RE and learnt about plants in Science.

Summer 1 Model Text to learn:
A traditional tale from Russia- The Enormous Turnip

A farmer grows an enormous turnip and needs some help to pull it out of the ground so he calls on his wife, a little boy, a huge dog and a mouse for help! He rewards their help with servings of turnip soup.

Differentiated Text Map:

Spring 2 Model Text to learn:
A letter from The Queen inspired by The Queen's Knickers by Nicholas Allan

The Queen has lost her special roayl knickers and despite looking all around the palace, cannot find them. Can Year 1 help her? Practise our model text and looked for how we use capital letters, question marks and set out a letter.

The King Charles group's text:

Spring 1 Model Text to learn:
A character description of the Gruffalo
This classic text is proving to be a favourite! Practise saying the sentences along with our actions. Don't forget the exclamation mark in this piece !!!!

Autumn 2 Model Text to lear
Mrs Armitage
Practise saying the sentences along with the actions you've learnt in class. Remember the punctuation.

Autumn 1 Model Text to lear
What's in Handa's Basket? 
Practise saying the sentences along with the actions you've learnt in class. 

Year 1 Words to read and spell.

These are the common exception words for Year 1. By the end of Year 1, the children should be able to read and spell these words. Practise reading them as part of your daily reading time. Look at the Spelling Menu and choose a method of practising your spellings.

Advice for reading at home

Your child will have been sent their home reading book home. This book is colour coded according to their reading level. If you would like to access more books you can do so online.

In your pack from school you will find a login for 'OXFORD READING BUDDY' -

When you log in, the books you can access are colour coded according to children's reading levels. Please check the colour of your child's home reading book, this will correspond with a number on the Oxford Reading Buddy website. If you are unsure of your child's reading level, please email me –



Oxford level 1


Oxford level 2


Oxford level 3

Light blue

Oxford level 4


Oxford level 5


Oxford level 6

Some websites offer free access to books online if you create an account. Have a look here:!/

I hope this helps you to continue enjoying reading whilst children are not able to access the resources in school. Thank you for your support!


Sam's Safari!

Year 1 had some extra special visitors today! We loved meeting all of the different animals. We were very brave and even stroked some of them. Our favourite animal was the armadillo.