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School  »  Curriculum  »  Science

What is Science ?
A high-quality science education provides the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, and all pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. 
In EYFS Science comes under the heading of Understanding the World. This involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and through offering a range of first hand experiences, increases their knowledge and sense of the world around them as well as developing their vocabulary.
 In KS1 the principal focus of science teaching is to enable pupils to experience and observe; looking more closely at the natural and humanly-constructed world around them. They will develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of enquiry and answering questions. Their learning will be done through first hand experiences wherever possible but use of some high quality secondary resources such as videos, photographs or books too.
In KS2, Science should enable pupils to broaden their scientific view of the world around them. They should do this through exploring, talking about, testing and developing ideas about everyday phenomena and the relationships between living things and familiar environments, and by beginning to develop their ideas about functions, relationships and interactions. They should ask questions and make more independent decisions about how to investigate, through practical activities, draw simple conclusions and use some scientific language.

What does Science look like at Quarry Mount ?
Our Science topics have been integrated into our creative curriculum themes so that each half term there is a clear focus and set objectives to be covered.  We feel that first hand experiences are a great way to learn facts and try to incorporate as many trips/visits and visitors into school as we can. These include walks around the local area, to Hyde park, Woodhouse Ridge, and around the school grounds. We also have regular trips to Meanwood Farm, Roundhay park and gardens, and further afield to Thornton Hall Park Farm in Skipton and Year 6 have recently visited Harlow Carr gardens in December 2023.
Other examples; EYFS have caterpillar eggs delivered and watch them grow into butterflies before releasing them into our Nature garden. This is always a “wow” moment for our children.  A trip to the farm provides opportunities to learn about baby animals and increase their vocabulary, as well as develop their communication and language skills. 
Year 5 have “Living eggs” in their classroom and enjoy observing the chicks hatching and growing.  They also have a visit from the Space dome when they get to experience what it looks like to be in space. It provides a  memorable insight into the planets, stars and our solar system. 
In October 2023, we had a visit from “Sam’s safari” when the visitors were able to bring a variety of animals including mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians- the children absolutely loved being “up close and personal” with the different creatures!
We are also  lucky enough to have our own “Nature garden” where children undertake minibeast hunts, observe seasonal changes, and conduct investigations into plants and habitats. A green space in the middle of Woodhouse!

How do we continue to improve Science at Quarry Mount?
Quarry Mount Science Curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression based on the current best research in Primary Science education. Our staff have been involved in developing science through INSET provided by the science leader, expert visitors, as well as questionnaires and discussions. Our pupil voice has been investigated by the Junior leadership team who have worked alongside the Science Leader to ensure that Science awareness has been raised. Every year the Science leader delivers “National Science Week” with a whole school assembly. Children are asked to participate and then undertake enjoyable and interesting tasks linked the National theme for the year. Everyone in school embraces the week and experiments, investigations, and discussions take place with a current theme. These events help promote the extensive world of Science.

Our aim at Quarry Mount.
At Quarry Mount we want to continue to change children’s feelings about Science and show them that the World is an exciting place and as it evolves the jobs we do are constantly changing- there are so many exciting opportunities and experiences to be had, for those who are curious!

Sam's Safari Visit- Oct 2023

Sam brought a variety of animals- amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds and insects. She told the childen all about them and it helped promote previous learning or as a starter to the new topics undertaken in this academic year. All children got to see the animals and absolutely loved it!