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Quarry Mount Primary School

Quarry Mount Primary School

Year 1

Remote Learning Spring 2

If you are self isolating/quarantining and you are feeling well you should try to do some home learning every day. Here are some ideas.

Year 1 Common Exception words.pdf

Year 1 Home Learning Spring2.pdf

Fantastic home learning work

Remote Learning Pack w/b 14.02.22

Here is this week's remote learning pack. Please email your work to Year1@quarrymountprimary.org.uk Thank you! Miss Webster :)

Year 1 Remote Learning Week 6 2022.pdf

Remote Learning for Spring 1 2022

If you are self isolating/quarantining and you are feeling well you should try to do some home learning every day. Here are some ideas.

Year 1 Home Learning Spring1.pdf

Year 1 Common Exception words.pdf

Spelling Menu.pdf

The Highway Rat


Room on the Broom


A Squash and a Squeeze