Safeguarding and Child Protection at Quarry Mount Primary School
The health, safety and well-being of pupils are very important to us here at Quarry Mount. We listen to our pupils and take seriously what they tell us. We want to work in partnership with you, and we also work in partnership with a number of outside agencies, to help your child achieve their full potential.
All staff are responsible for ensuring that consistent and effective safeguarding procedures are in place to support families, children and staff at school.
Main people responsible:
Headteacher: R Pettman
Designated Safeguarding Lead: R Pettman
Deputy Safeguarding Lead: K Georgeson
Safguarding trained staff: R Pettman, K Georgeson, M Dunderdale, C Blackstone, S Webster (you may hear these members of staff being referred to as 'trusted adults'.
If you have an urgent safeguarding or data protection concern while Quarry Mount primary School is closed then please email the head teacher at:
Other Child Protection Links:
Children's Services - for members of the public to report a child protection concern
Tel: 0113 222 44 03 (9am –5pm)
There is no longer an ‘out of office hours’ number, if a child is in immediate danger after 5pm, the Police should be called on 999.
NSPCC - for advice for parents/carers and to report child abuse
You might have spotted something that’s worrying you. Whatever you’re worried about, contact the NSPCC helpline. They have advice to help.
Tel: 0808 800 5000 (24/7 service)
For further information, please visit the NSPCC website:
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
Online Safety Safeguarding Children
Online Safety Safeguarding Children
Childline - advice about a wide range of issues
Mindmate - information about mental health and organisations that can help
Net Aware
Net Aware - Your guide to social networks, apps and games
Leeds Women's Aid
Leeds Women's Aid - 0113 2460401 (24 hours) Textphone @ 07825 156087 (Monday to Friday 9.30am - 5pm)
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Operation Encompass
Child Protection
Designated Safeguarding Lead: R Pettman
Designated staff for safeguarding: R Pettman, K Georgeson, M Dunderdale, C Blackstone, S Webster
Child Protection Governor: A Smith
Children Looked After (CLA)
R Pettman
Policies - please see the 'policies' section of the website for the following:
- Child Protection Policy
- E-Safety policy
- Prevent Duty
- Keeping Children Safe in Education
Safer Recruitment
Lead Person: R Pettman
Staff trained in safer recruitment: R Pettman, M Dunderdale, T Hind, E Hind
Governor: A Smith
Single Central Register: Ehind, T Hind, T Barrie
Policies - please see the 'policies' section of the website for the following:
- Whistle Blowing
- Staff & Volunteer Code of Conduct (Safer Working Practice)
- Staff Behaviour Policy
- Supervision Policy
SENDCo: R Clarkson
Attendance & Behaviour: R Pettman, M Dunderdale, K Georgeson, H Lee
Attendance Governor: C Frost
Policies - please see the 'policies' section of the website for the following:
- SEND Policy and Information Report
- SEND Core Offer
- Single Equalisation
- Behaviour Policy
- Admissions Policy
- Rewards and Sanctions
- ELA Policy
- Positive Handling Policy
- Intimate Care policy
- Accessibility Plan
- Healthy Schools Policy
- Attendance policy
- Curriculum Policy
Health & Safety
Lead Person: R Pettman
Health & Safety Governor: C Frost
Site Superintendent: A Whittingham
Educational Visits Leader: E Davis
Fire Officers: A Gough, J Pelc
Most staff in school are first aid trained. Please see in school for details.
Paediatric First Aiders - K Paterson, E Hind, A Whittingham, D Williamson, M Dunderdale
Policies - please see the 'policies' section of the website for the following:
- Intimate Care
- Health and Safety
- Buildings policy
- First Aid Policy
- Children's Medical Procedures
- School Food Plan
The Governing Body is committed to safeguarding the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, volunteers and other workers to share this commitment.
We impose robust recruitment procedures and checks for appointing staff and volunteers to guard against appointing a person who is unsuitable to work with children, or who is disqualified from working with children, or does not have the suitable skills and experience for the role.
It is illegal for anyone who is barred from working with children to apply for, or undertake Regulated Activity.