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Quarry Mount Primary School

Quarry Mount Primary School

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

About us

At Quarry Mount Primary School, we believe in a genuine partnership between teachers, parents, carers, pupils and governors with the interests of the children as our central theme. We want our pupils to feel valued, safe and happy, and our parents to be secure in the knowledge that their children’s needs are being met and their interests catered for. The staff and governors are committed to providing a creative, stimulating learning environment in which pupils can flourish and reach their full potential. The school celebrates the uniqueness of every individual and what they have to offer including personality, perseverance, academic ability and talent. We want all our pupils to experience success and to develop confidence through their achievements, and we aim to provide the opportunities that will facilitate this.

As a school we aim to ensure that our broad and balanced curriculum meets the needs of all pupils and is inclusive of those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

At our school, we aim to meet the needs of all children through quality first teaching. This is where teachers will use a variety of methods to plan and deliver the curriculum so it meets the needs of all learners in the classroom.

We monitor children's progress throughout the year in termly pupil progress meetings and with parents in termly SEND reviews.

What happens if we believe your child may have special educational needs?

If your child has been identified as having special educational needs, you will be invited to meet with your class teacher and the SENDCO. Class teachers will then develop an SEND support plan which will outline how we can support your child's learning in school through intervention and support. We also work alongside a variety of professionals for support and advice such as Speech and Language therapists, SENIT, Educational Psychologists and the Visual and Hearing Impairment team.

Who do you speak to if you have any concerns about your child's learning?

Mrs Clarkson (SENDCO) has responsibility for leading and managing the SEND provision in school. If you have any concerns about your child's SEND needs, please contact her via email at rclarkson@quarrymountprimary.org.uk. Alternatively, you can contact your child's class teacher who will then pass a message on to the appropriate person.

The 'Local offer'

The Local Authority must publish a 'Local Offer' which provides clear and accessible information about the support and opportunities that are available to children with SEN and their parents. This information can be found on their website here.

Useful information

Please find links to our SEND policy and SEND Core offer below.

SEND policy

SEND core offer

Useful resources and websites

Here are some links to a variety of websites and resources where you can access advice and support.




STARS - Autism support team