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Quarry Mount Primary School

Quarry Mount Primary School

Remote Learning

Schools are required to have a remote learning plan in place so that any child who cannot attend school because of COVID-19 does not miss out on their learning. The plan will provide learning across the curriculum and children will be expected to spend a similar amount of time completing tasks as they would spend learning in school.

Our remote learning plan has been made with our children and families in mind. We believe that this strategy will work best for the children at our school. If you feel you need a different version for your child, for example if your child has an SEND need please contact the school.

The initial response to any isolation will be to provide children with printed home learning packs along with a stationery pack (this might need to be delivered). The work packs will contain basic skills work that would be relevant at any stage of the year i.e. arithmetic, spelling, reading, writing (with a visual prompt) and handwriting as well as CGP workbooks linked to reading comprehension & grammar skills and maths skills.

From the following day:

If an individual child is self-isolating, the class teacher will set specific pages of the CGP workbooks to be completed each day linked to what the children in school will be doing in school. These instructions will be sent by text message.

If the whole class bubble is self-isolating, the class teacher will upload instructions, worksheets and links to appropriate lessons from Oak National Academy and other platforms onto the class’s remote learning page of the website before 5pm the day before the work should be completed.

This is to allow you to see the learning materials before supporting your child. The instructions will also be sent out via email.

The daily timetable will include:

  • Phonics and Reading – including use of Letters & Sounds, Oxford Reading Buddy and Reading Eggs
  • Writing/Spelling – including use of Talk4Writing, Pobble 365 and Spellodrome
  • Maths – including use of White Rose Maths, Mathletics and TT Rockstars/ NumBots
  • Two foundation subjects – including use of Oak National Academy and BBC Bitesize but linked to Quarry Mount’s creative curriculum.

Remote Learning Letter

Quarry Mount Remote Learning Plan v4.pdf

Useful weblinks

The Oak National Academy

BBC Bitesize


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6