At Quarry Mount Primary School, we have a Pastoral Lead and a Learning Mentor who are based in the Pupil Development Centre (PDC) within school. The Pastoral Team facilitate emotional regulation through the delivery of 1:1 and small group work with the use of resources in both the Rainbow Room and Reflection Room, with the aim of improving behaviour, attendance and wellbeing. Children with SEND needs also use the Rainbow and Reflection rooms for sensory breaks and intensive interaction.
The Pastoral Team are informed of additional support needs by teachers and by observing pupils. Information is discussed at inclusion meetings each half term and targeted support is allocated.
The Pastoral Team work collaboratively with the SENDCo, class teachers and outside agencies to encourage the inclusion of learners with SEND and SEMH needs within classrooms.
The Pastoral Team and SENDCo facilitate the work that outside agencies offer to children in order to further support their development. The outside agencies we currently work with include Speech & Language Therapists, Area Inclusion Partnership, Gateway Mentors and Impact.
Quarry Mount’s Rainbow Room has a Zones of Regulation focus. The Zones of Regulation is an internationally renowned intervention which helps children to manage difficult emotions, known as ‘self-regulation’. Self-regulation can go by many names such as ‘self-control’, ‘impulse management’ and ‘self-management’. Self-regulation is best described as the best state of alertness for a situation. For example, when a child takes part in a sports game, they would need to have a higher state of alertness than when, for example, they were working in a library. From time to time, all of us (including adults) find it hard to manage strong feelings such as worry, anger, restlessness, fear or tiredness, and this stops us from getting on with our day effectively. Children who feel these emotions often find it hard to learn and concentrate in school. The Zones of Regulation aims to teach children strategies to help them cope with these feelings so they can get back to feeling calm and ready to learn. These coping strategies are called ‘self-regulation’.
At Quarry Mount, we recognise that reflection is an important tool to empower children with. When encouraged to reflect, children build skills such as questioning, memory, investigating, explaining, and consideration. Reflection also helps children learn from their experiences, and develop their interpersonal skills. Children spend time in the Reflection Room if their behaviour has not met our school expectations in relation to our behaviour policy. Time in the reflection Room supports the development of increasing self-awareness, which is a key component of emotional intelligence, and in developing a better understanding of others which can further support the development of positive relationships.
Mrs Georgeson (Pastoral Lead) and Mrs Lee (Learning Mentor) are available for informal chats on the playground each morning when children arrive at school and each afternoon when children are collected from school.
Please see below policies for more information:
Equalities Information
Behaviour Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Attendance Policy
SEND Policy & Information Report 2022-2023
SEND Core offer 2022-2023
Rainbow & Reflection Rooms