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Quarry Mount Primary School

Quarry Mount Primary School


Children are expected to dress smartly for school in the school uniform: white shirt/polo, grey trousers, skirt or summer dress and royal blue sweat shirt, jumper or cardigan. School uniform bearing the Quarry Mount logo is available from The School Uniform shop.

In accordance with our Health and Safety policy, children should wear appropriate, comfortable footwear. Heels should be a sensible height for school and sandals must have backs.

The wearing of jewellery is discouraged. It should always be removed for P.E. Earrings must be no larger than small sleepers. Studs are preferable.

P.E. is an essential part of the school curriculum. Each child needs P.E. clothing in the form of a T-shirt and shorts, and a pair of pumps or trainers.

Children in Year 4 attend swimming lessons and therefore need a one piece swimming costume or swimming trunks/shorts (above the knee) and a towel.

All clothing (including coats) should be clearly marked with your child's name.

The School Uniform shop is situated in Meanwood, 18-20 Green Road, Meanwood, LS6 4JP right next to St Gemma's charity shop. You can also shop and browse prices online at: