E Safety
Our Curriculum Vision Statement begins with the words
‘The children who come to Quarry Mount Primary School are diverse, confident and energetic. The world into which they will live and grow is changing rapidly and is driven by technology.’
As technology and the Internet play such a central part in our children’s present and future lives we place great importance on teaching the children how to use them safely. All Internet use is closely monitored and classes complete regular ‘E-safety’ activities to remind the children how to keep safe online. The E-Safety Policy provides more detail about how we do this and is available for you to download below.
We know that parents and carers will also be very concerned that their children are protected and safe when using the Internet at home as well as at school. Below are some tips on how to initiate conversations around the subject of E-Safety and some useful links that will direct you to further information from external organisations.
For further help or advice, please contact the school's E-Safety Coordinator, Mrs Emilie Davis, via the school office.
Internet Safety Day 2023
This year, Internet Safety Day's theme is 'Want to talk about it?'
It's thinking about how we can create a safe space for conversations about children's experience of online content. We are going to be doign some activities in school about how we can keep ourselves safe and how we can access help if we need to. Here are some activity ideas that you could do at home with your child to help them understand the importance of E-Safety and support their learning in school.
Activity 1
Talk to your child about how tech can be used in a positive way. Do you agree or disagree with different ways tech is used?
Then reflect on the activity!
Activity 2
How well do you know your child and their activity online? Complete this quiz with them to see how they would react in certain situations.
June 2021 update
The NSPCC have introduced a new Report Remove tool whereby children, young people and adults can report nude images of them that are circulating social media and ensure they are taken down.
Safer Internet Day 2021
Internet safety is now more important that ever, with children doing so much remote learning. Every February, Quarry Mount Primary take part in Internet Safety day with lots of fun activities in school. This year, we will all be taking part at home. The activities will be done during the week beginning 8th February 2021. Here are some resources you may find useful to support your child during Internet Safety Day. If you would like to find out more about Internet Safety Day, please go to: https://www.saferinternet.org.uk/
Duck Mask Template
Top Tips for Parents and Carers
Parents and Carers Resource Sheet
What to trust online (A Parents and Carers Guide)
Parent and Carer Conversation Starters
Not only are children accessing their home learning, they will be also accessing entertainment and using technology a lot more. Here is an article that includes some tips to help you and your family sleep easier during lockdown while using technology less.
E Safety Guidance for Parents
Here you can find all of the E-Safety guidance. New information will be posted here every week.
Parent Guide to Home Learning
Parent Guide to House Party
Parent Guide to Disney+
Parent Guide to Netflix
Parent Guide to Play Station
Guide to being kind online
Parent Guide to Tik Tok
Parent Guide to Instagram
Parent Guide to Remote Learning
Guide to Online Shopping
Guide to Fake News
Parent Guide to Roblox
Parent Guide to PS5
Share a Smile Online
Parent Guide to Spotify
Mobile phones
Although we do not allow children to use their mobile phones in school, there are a few parents who like their child to carry a phone so that they can contact them before or after the school day. If you feel it is necessary for your child to have a mobile phone with them, we ask that you complete a mobile phone registration form. This form is available in the Documents section below or from Miss Barrie in the office.
Mobile phones should be handed to the office on arrival at school and collected at the end of the school day. Children are not allowed to use their phones on or near the school site or on the playground. The school retains the right to confiscate any phone found in school during the day and will return it at the end of the day.
Useful web links
*NEW* Advice on where to report unsuitable content
Advice including an 'Online teen speak dictionary' and 'Staying Safe on Minecraft'
How to set up parental controls
http://www.saferinternet.org.uk/advice-and-resources/parents-and-carers/parental-controlsVodafone Digital Parenting (includes checklists by age)
CEOP's Think U Know for Parents and Carers
Childline (the free and confidential helpline for children)
Independent not-for-profit organisation which offers age appropriate advice
Useful documents that are used in school
Here are some documents we use in school that you may find useful.
Is Your Password Safe?
Mobile Phone Registration Form
Computing Code of Conduct - Key Stage 2
Computing Code of Conduct - Key Stage 1
Rules for Responsible Internet Use
E-Safety Policy - 2020