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Quarry Mount Primary School

Quarry Mount Primary School


Who are we?

We are made up of parents, staff and people who live or work locally to school.

What’s our role?

Our core strategic functions are:

a. Ensuring Quarry Mount’s clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

b. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the
school and its pupils; and

c. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

How do we do it?

The full governing body meets around five times between September and July, and there are two committees; Teaching and Learning Pupil Support and Resources, which meet before each full governors meeting. Each governor joins one of these committees. We also spend time accessing training either in person or online to make sure we’ve got the skills to be good governors.

We are invited to school regularly to see all the great work our children produce, and we get to know the staff, particularly the Senior Leadership Team, who we work with to make sure Quarry Mount’s children are happy, healthy and making good progress in their learning.

As Quarry Mount is part of the Lantern Learning Trust, our Trust governors also attend meetings of the Trust board and work with governors from the other Trust schools to give all our children the best chance of fulfilling their potential.

Could you be our next governor?

We occasionally have vacancies on our Governing Body. If you are interested in the opportunity to become a governor, please contact Mrs Rebecca Pettman (Headteacher) or Mr Adrian Smith (Chair of Governors) through school. We also offer the opportunity to local community members to become an associate governor to contribute key skills whilst learning more about becoming a governor. If you are interested in becoming an associate governor, please get in touch.

Chair of Governors

Adrian Smith (Chair of Teaching and Learning and Pupil Support Committee and Child Protection and Children Looked After)

Parent Governors

Megan Critchlow
Katy Haley (SEND, Inclusion and Equalities)

Co-opted Governors

Chris Frost (Vice Chair of Governors, Health and Safety, Wellbeing and attendance)
Luke Sutcliffe
Iulian Biris

Local Authority Governor

Councillor Jonathan Pryor (Reading)

Staff Governor

Mike Dunderdale (Deputy Head)

If you would like to view the non-confidential minutes from governors meetings, please request them from the school office.

Meet some of our governors:

Governors (ID 1008)

  • Mike Dunderdale
  • Katy Hayley
  • Chris Frost
  • Adrian Smith

Register of Business & Personal Interests

Governor Register of Business and Personal Interests 20/21
Governor Register of Business and Personal Interests 19/20
Governor Register of Business and Personal Interests 22/23
Quarry Mount Privacy Notice - Governors & Volunteers

Annual Statement

Annual Statement of the Governing Body 2017-2018

Annual Statement of the Governing Body 2018-2019

Annual Statement of the Governing Body 2019 - 2020

Annual Statement of the Governing Body 2020-2021

Annual Statement of the Governing Body 2021-2022

Annual Statement of the Governing Body 2022-2023

Annual Statement of the Governing Body 2023-2024

Governor Attendance

Attendance 2019-2020

Attendance 2020-2021

Attendance 2021-2022

Attendance 2022-2023